It's time to reset...

There is so much going on in the world right now. 

We are so many things; confused, scared, inspired, bored, rested, over informed, baking, happy and more. 

In the face of our current circumstances, we all have the opportunity to reset our lives.  Although I work a four day week, through this time I have seen opportunities where I can be more effective and more efficient.  I have also gotten to slow down and spend quiet, calm time deepening my presence with Desiree, Morgan and our dogs.  And, like everyone else, I have grave concerns about our health and our future. 

This seems a good time to look at our relationship to and our values around money.  Take a look at the attachment (click the button below), I think it will provide some insight. 

I notice I am having to be flexible, patient, creative and confident with my work and my money these days.  How about you?