business coaching

The Challenge of Focusing Your Brilliance

The Challenge of Focusing Your Brilliance

Sometimes, your brain is not your friend. Many times it has you vs you having it. It's in control in a way that does not serve you. It overthinks. It creates drama and chaos where none existed before. It worries. It gets jealous. It creates lust. It gets bored. It triggers reactive emotional states. The list goes on and on.

What's the Difference Between Individual and Group Mentoring?

Whatever you are up to in life, support can make the difference between success and just being average. But support is often looked at as a sign of weakness. Based on our society, you should be able to do it yourself! Though this is not true, it's one of many challenges on the way to success.

Let's look at the costs and payoffs of these two mentoring modalities…

Now What?

This is such a confusing time! What is really going on? What is true? Who is speaking in a way I can hear and rely on? What is next? How much can I count on? What the heck is NEXT?

It's time to reset...

In the face of our current circumstances, we all have the opportunity to reset our lives. Although I work a four day week, through this time I have seen opportunities where I can be more effective and more efficient…

Success Should Feel Different, Shouldn't It?

Why do you feel the same as you’ve always felt, even though you've 'made it'? How come no matter where you go or what you buy or do, you still feel a little let down in the end? And who do you talk to about it...