"How do you start your day?"

Business Consultant Santa Cruz Coffee

Some people have asked how I start my day...

Before I set a foot on the floor, I do the following each day.

I declare my essence to myself to remind myself of who I truly am. Not my circumstances, thoughts or feelings, or my interactions with people and things, but this...

“I am my essence. Joy, Power, Satisfaction, Fun and Relationship.”

Then I declare who I am NOT to remind myself that my old survival traits and ways of overcoming and compensating for what happened and didn’t happen in my childhood are not who I am.

“I manage and minimize the fear, anxiety and insecurity of my survival mechanism. It is Reckless, Dangerous, Backstabbing Circus Freak.”

Then I declare my purpose to my Self.

“I live my life on purpose. It is Love, Being and Choice.”

Then I declare myself in service of something larger than myself.

“I am in service of the light and love in the universe.”

THEN I get up and start my day. I say who I am. I live my life from the declaration of my real, true and beautiful self. I take action from there. I speak, look and listen from there. I relate from there. I’ve been doing this for over twenty years. Any day I don’t do this is a gamble. Any day I do this is reliably powerful. So I practice...